以前『人工知能もどき開発事情』(2018年11月19日)で述べたHTMLアプリケーションのプログラム(Reversi V1.55.hta)を動かしてテストしていたら、おかしなところを発見してしまいました。いわゆるバグ(不具合)なのですが、コンピュータ側が四隅よりも辺を優先して石を打ってしまう場合がありました。当然のことながら、辺よりも四隅を優先して石を打つのが正しい動作です。
Const BAD =0 Const BONUS = 8 Const GOOD = 16 Const BEST = 32
Const BEST = 64
今回はさらにもう一つ、バグ(不具合)を見つけてしまいました。たまたま見つけたのですが、ゲームの終盤で、最後の1マスに白黒どちらの石も置けないケースが起きました。そこでは、白黒双方の石数を明示して終局する(ゲームを終了する)のが普通です。ところが、今回のプログラムReversi V1.55.htaでは、そのケースに限って、白黒どちらも相手に手を譲ってしまい、永遠に終局しないということが起こりました。
この「紙の上でコンピュータを動かす」という旧式な方法は、プログラムのドキュメンテーション(Documentation 文書化)という方法と結びついて、バグの修正や、プログラムを開発する上で有効な手段の一つでした。
プログラムのドキュメンテーション(Documentation 文書化)にしても、その手段は、作業の効率化や経費の削減という現代の流れには沿わないものなのかもしれません。しかし、プログラムが誤動作する(あるいは、思うように動かなくなる)ことへの危機管理になることに変わりはありません。プログラムが複雑化して内容がわからなくなった時に、その文書化が役立つことがしばしばあります。
さらに私は、新たなプログラムの変更を考えるようになりました。これまでのプログラム(Reversi V1.55.hta)では、バグとまでは言えなくても、何か使いにくい感じがしました。ゲームの盤面をじっと見ていないと、コンピュータが、知らない間に手を打ってしまうことがあるのです。どこに石を置いたか、どの石がひっくり返されたのかを人間の側が確認できません。かといって、人間が盤面に集中し続けると、スマホを見続けるのと同じで、目が疲れるしストレスがたまります。
Reversi V1.58.hta
<STYLE TYPE="text/css"> BODY { font-size:16pt; background-color:rgb(20%,60%,20%); scroll:no; } .scaleW { font-size:16pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:center; } .scaleH { font-size:16pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:left; line-height:18pt; position:relative; top:-220pt; } .banmen { font-size:16pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:center; border:1pt solid black; padding:5pt; margin:10pt 20pt; cursor:default; } .message { font-size:12pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:center; padding:5pt; margin:10pt 5pt; } #fakebtn { font-size:12pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; background-color:white; border-style:outset; padding:5pt; margin:10pt 5pt; cursor:default; display:none; } </STYLE> <HTA:Application Id=oHTA Border=dialog Scroll=no MaximizeButton=no Contextmenu=no /> <SCRIPT language="VBScript"> Option Explicit Randomize Const BLACK = "●" Const WHITE = "○" Const BLANK = "+" Const BAD = 0 Const BONUS = 8 Const GOOD = 16 Const BEST = 64 Dim WSHShell Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim Q(7,7), R(63), vx(7), vy(7) Dim PointJustNow, ThinkingTime, RecoveringTime, bm, wb, cp Dim ManMove, ComMove, LargeMode, SaveMes, Selflag Call ResizeTo(280, 390) Document.Title = "Reversi V1.58" Set wb = New WatchingBoardSpace Set cp = New CornerProcessingList Set bm = New BoardMarkingAction Sub Window_Onload Dim yy, xx, idx ManMove = BLACK ComMove = WHITE LargeMode = False idx = 0 For yy = 0 to 7 For xx = 0 to 7 Set R(idx) = Document.all.tags("SPAN")(idx) Set Q(yy, xx) = R(idx) idx = idx + 1 Next Next vy(0) = -1 : vy(1) = -1 : vy(2) = -1 : vy(3) = 0 : vy(4) = 0 vy(5) = 1 : vy(6) = 1 : vy(7) = 1 vx(0) = -1 : vx(1) = 0 : vx(2) = 1 : vx(3) = -1 : vx(4) = 1 vx(5) = -1 : vx(6) = 0 : vx(7) = 1 Call InitBan() End Sub Sub InitBan() Dim idx For idx = 0 to 63 R(idx).InnerText = BLANK Next P33.InnerText = WHITE P34.InnerText = BLACK P43.InnerText = BLACK P44.InnerText = WHITE PointJustNow = "" ThinkingTime = False RecoveringTime = False Call wb.Clear() fakebtn.style.display = "none" mouth.InnerText = "さあ、始めましょう!" Call SelectStones() End Sub Private Sub SelectStones() Selflag = True TurnB.InnerHTML = "黒番?" : BStones.InnerHTML = " それとも、" TurnW.InnerHTML = "白番?" : WStones.InnerHTML = "" TurnB.style.cursor = "help" TurnW.style.cursor = "help" End Sub Class WatchingBoardSpace Private List(59), Lptr Public Sub Clear() Lptr = 0 End Sub Public Property Let Watch(tid) If Not Found(tid) Then List(Lptr) = tid Lptr = Lptr + 1 End If End Property Private Function Found(id) Dim idx, rfg rfg = False For idx = 0 to Lptr - 1 If List(idx) = id Then rfg = True Exit For End If Next Found = rfg End Function Public Function AnyMore() Dim Empties Empties = GetBlanks() If (Lptr = 0) Or (Lptr < Empties) Then AnyMore = True Else AnyMore = False End If End Function Private Function GetBlanks() Dim idx, cnt cnt = 0 For idx = 0 to 63 If R(idx).InnerText = BLANK Then cnt = cnt + 1 End If Next GetBlanks = cnt End Function End Class ' ' Event Driven Routines ' ' On mouse over, On mouse out --- for user interface ' On click -- for user interface and the trigger on computer thinking ' On key press -- Monotor switch on/off ' Sub Document_Onmouseover Dim target If ThinkingTime Then Exit Sub Set target = Window.event.srcElement If Selflag Then If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then If Left(target.id, 4) = "Turn" Then With target.style .color = "white" .backgroundcolor = "rgb(10%,10%,10%)" End With End If End If Exit Sub End If If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then If Left(target.id, 1) = "P" Then If target.InnerText = BLANK Then wb.Watch = target.id If CountEnemy(target.id, ManMove, ComMove) > 0 Then With target.style .backgroundcolor = "rgb(50%,80%,50%)" .cursor = "help" End With PointJustNow = target.id Call wb.Clear() Else If Not wb.AnyMore() Then Call bm.ClearBlink() mouth.InnerText = "打てませんね ...思考中" ThinkingTime = True Call setTimeout("NowThinking()", 2000) End If End If End If End If End If End Sub Sub Document_Onmouseout Dim target If ThinkingTime Then Exit Sub Set target = Window.event.srcElement If Selflag Then If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then If Left(target.id, 4) = "Turn" Then With target.style .color = "black" .backgroundcolor = "rgb(20%,60%,20%)" End With End If End If Exit Sub End If If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then If Left(target.id, 1) = "P" Then If target.innerText = BLANK Then With target.style .backgroundcolor = "" .cursor = "default" End With PointJustNow = "" End If End If End If End Sub Sub Document_Onclick Dim target, yy, xx If ThinkingTime Then Exit Sub Set target = Window.event.srcElement If target.id = "" Then Exit Sub If Selflag Then If Left(target.id, 4) = "Turn" Then With target.style .color = "black" .backgroundcolor = "rgb(20%,60%,20%)" End With TurnB.style.cursor = "default" TurnW.style.cursor = "default" Call FixTurn(target.InnerText) Selflag = False If ComMove = BLACK Then mouth.InnerText = "思考中 ..." ThinkingTime = True Call setTimeout("NowThinking()", 2000) End If End If Exit Sub End If If Left(target.id, 1) <> "P" Then Exit Sub If PointJustNow <> "" Then Call bm.ClearBlink() yy = Mid(target.id, 2, 1) xx = Mid(target.id, 3, 1) Q(yy, xx).InnerText = ManMove With target.style .backgroundcolor = "" .cursor = "default" End With PointJustNow = "" Call ReverseEnemy(ManMove, yy, xx, ComMove) If Not EndChecking(ManMove) Then mouth.InnerText = "思考中 ..." ThinkingTime = True Call setTimeout("NowThinking()", 2000) End If End If End Sub Private Sub FixTurn(sterm) Dim st, dstr If sterm = "黒番?" Then st = BLACK ElseIf sterm = "白番?" Then st = WHITE Else msgbox"Illegally selected [" & sterm & "]" End If If ManMove <> st Then ComMove = ManMove : ManMove = st End If TurnB.InnerText = "黒" TurnW.InnerText = "白" dstr = "(あなた)" If ManMove = BLACK Then TurnB.InnerText = TurnB.InnerText & dstr Else TurnW.InnerText = TurnW.InnerText & dstr End If BStones.innerText = " 2 個 " WStones.innerText = " 2 個" End Sub Private Sub NowThinking() If Not TurnToComputer() Then If Not EndChecking(ComMove) Then mouth.InnerText = "打つ手がありません。" End If ThinkingTime = False End If End Sub Public Function EndChecking(mside) Dim bcnt, wcnt, mes bcnt = CalcStones(BLACK) wcnt = CalcStones(WHITE) BStones.innerText = " " & bcnt & " 個 " WStones.innerText = " " & wcnt & " 個" If isFinish(bcnt, wcnt) Then If bcnt = wcnt Then mes = "引き分けです。" ElseIf bcnt > wcnt Then mes = "黒の勝ちです。" Else mes = "白の勝ちです。" End If Else If bcnt = 0 Then mes = "白の勝ちです。" ElseIf wcnt = 0 Then mes = "黒の勝ちです。" Else EndChecking = False Exit Function End If End If If mside = ComMove Then Call bm.ClearBlink() End If fakebtn.style.display = "inline" mouth.InnerText = mes EndChecking = True End Function Private Function isFinish(bcnt, wcnt) Dim flg If bcnt + wcnt = 64 Then flg = True Else If Not wb.AnyMore() Then flg = True Else flg = False End If End If isFinish = flg End Function Private Function CalcStones(side) Dim idx, cnt cnt = 0 For idx = 0 to 63 If R(idx).InnerText = side Then cnt = cnt + 1 End If Next CalcStones = cnt End Function Sub Document_OnKeyPress() Dim tk, kc If ThinkingTime Then Exit Sub If RecoveringTime Then Exit Sub If fakebtn.style.display = "inline" Then Exit Sub tk = Window.event.keyCode kc = Chr(tk) RecoveringTime = True If kc = "l" Or kc = "L" Then LargeMode = Not LargeMode Call ChangeScale() Else RecoveringTime = False End If End Sub Private Sub ChangeScale() Dim mes If LargeMode Then mes = "盤を拡大サイズにします。" Else mes = "盤を通常サイズにします。" End If SaveMes = mouth.InnerText mouth.InnerText = mes Call setTimeout("RecoverMessage2()", 2000) End Sub Private Sub RecoverMessage2() If LargeMode Then Call ChangeScale2(420, 600, 22, 28, 24, 4, 31, -358, 24) Else Call ChangeScale2(280, 390, 12, 16, 16, 1, 18, -220, 12) End If RecoveringTime = False End Sub Private Sub ChangeScale2(sx, sy, fontSiz1, fontSiz2, fontSiz3, bSiz, Lh, topos, btnSiz) Dim obj, idx, cnm, styp Call ResizeTo(sx, sy) For idx = 0 to document.all.length - 1 Set obj = document.all(idx) If obj.tagName = "DIV" Then cnm = obj.className Set styp = obj.style If cnm = "message" Then styp.fontSize = fontSiz1 & "pt" ElseIf cnm = "banmen" Then styp.fontSize = fontSiz2 & "pt" styp.border = bSiz & "pt solid black" Else styp.fontSize = fontSiz3 & "pt" If cnm = "scaleH" Then styp.lineHeight = Lh & "pt" styp.position = "relative" styp.top = topos & "pt" End If End If ElseIf obj.id = "fakebtn" Then obj.style.fontSize = btnSiz & "pt" Else End If Next mouth.InnerText = SaveMes End Sub ' ' Heuristic AI Thinking subroutines ' ' Function TurnToComputer() Dim tId(), tCnt1(), tCnt2(), tLast tLast = ListingHands(ComMove, ManMove, tId, tCnt1) If tLast = -1 Then TurnToComputer = False Exit Function End If Call bm.BuildMarking(tId, tLast) Call bm.ColorMarking("rgb(80%,50%,50%)") Call CopyTable(tCnt1, tCnt2, tLast) bm.DelayPoint = EvaluateMax(tId, tCnt2, tLast) Call setTimeout("bm.ClearMarking()", 1000) TurnToComputer = True End Function Class BoardMarkingAction Private tny, tnx, svLast Private DelayIndex, svyy, svxx Private Bnkflag, BListy, BListx, BLastIdx, bflag Private Sub Class_Initialize Bnkflag = False BLastIdx = -1 bflag = False End Sub Public Sub BuildMarking(tId, tLast) Dim idx DelayIndex = -1 svLast = tLast ReDim tny(svLast), tnx(svLast) For idx = 0 to svLast tny(idx) = Mid(tId(idx), 2, 1) tnx(idx) = Mid(tId(idx), 3, 1) Next End Sub Public Sub ColorMarking(col) Dim idx, p For idx = 0 to svLast Set p = Q(tny(idx), tnx(idx)) p.style.backgroundcolor = col Next End Sub Property Let DelayPoint(Index) DelayIndex = Index svyy = tny(DelayIndex) svxx = tnx(DelayIndex) End Property Public Sub ClearMarking() Dim idx, p For idx = 0 to svLast If idx <> DelayIndex Then Set p = Q(tny(idx), tnx(idx)) p.style.backgroundcolor = "" End If Next If DelayIndex > -1 Then Call setTimeout("bm.ClearMark1()", 1000) End If End Sub Public Sub ClearMark1() Q(svyy, svxx).InnerText = ComMove Q(svyy, svxx).style.backgroundcolor = "" mouth.InnerText = "操作中です。" Call setTimeout("bm.DoReverse()", 500) End Sub Public Sub DoReverse() Call ReverseEnemy(ComMove, svyy, svxx, ManMove) Call wb.Clear() If Not EndChecking(ComMove) Then mouth.InnerText = "あなたの手番です。" Bnkflag = True Call setTimeout("bm.Blinkon()", 5000) End If ThinkingTime = False End Sub Public Sub Blinkon() If bnkflag Then Q(svyy, svxx).style.backgroundcolor = "rgb(80%,50%,50%)" Call setTimeout("bm.Blinkon2()", 400) End If End Sub Public Sub Blinkon2() Dim idx, yy, xx If bnkflag Then For idx = 0 to BLastIdx yy = BListy(idx) xx = BListx(idx) Q(yy, xx).style.backgroundcolor = "rgb(80%,50%,50%)" Next Call setTimeout("bm.Blinkoff()", 800) End If End Sub Public Sub Blinkoff() Call ClearbgColor() If bnkflag Then Call setTimeout("bm.Blinkon()", 4000) End If End Sub Public Sub ClearBlink() If Bnkflag Then Bnkflag = False Call ClearbgColor() End If End Sub Private Sub ClearbgColor() Dim idx, yy, xx For idx = 0 to BLastIdx yy = BListy(idx) xx = BListx(idx) Q(yy, xx).style.backgroundcolor = "" Next Q(svyy, svxx).style.backgroundcolor = "" End Sub Public Sub RecordReset(mside) If mside = ManMove Then bflag = False Else ReDim BListy(0) ReDim BListx(0) BLastIdx = -1 bflag = True End If End Sub Public Sub Record(ay, ax) If bflag Then BLastIdx = BLastIdx + 1 ReDim Preserve BListy(BLastIdx) ReDim Preserve BListx(BLastIdx) BListy(BLastIdx) = ay BListx(BLastIdx) = ax End If End Sub End Class Private Function ListingHands(fside, eside, tI, tC) Dim idx, cnt, tL tL = -1 For idx = 0 to 63 If R(idx).InnerText = BLANK Then cnt = CountEnemy(R(idx).id, fside, eside) If cnt > 0 Then tL = tL + 1 ReDim Preserve tI(tL), tC(tL) tI(tL) = R(idx).id tC(tL) = cnt End If End If Next ListingHands = tL End Function Private Sub CopyTable(tC1, tC2, tL) Dim idx ReDim tC2(tL) For idx = 0 to tL tC2(idx) = tC1(idx) Next End Sub Function EvaluateMax(tI, tC, tL) Dim idx, py, px, any For idx = 0 to tL py = Mid(tI(idx), 2, 1) px = Mid(tI(idx), 3, 1) If cp.RealCorner(py, px) Then tC(idx) = tC(idx) + BEST Else If CornerPriority(py, px) Then any = OtherPriority(py, px, tC(idx)) If tC(idx) <> any Then tC(idx) = any End If Else tC(idx) = BAD End If End If Next EvaluateMax = GetMaxIndex(tC, tL) End Function Private Function GetMaxIndex(tC, tL) Dim idx, retidx, maxcnt, Lst(), Lsts maxcnt = BAD - 1 For idx = 0 to tL If tC(idx) > maxcnt Then maxcnt = tC(idx) retidx = idx End If Next Lsts = -1 For idx = 0 to tL If maxcnt = tC(idx) Then Lsts = Lsts + 1 ReDim Preserve Lst(Lsts) Lst(Lsts) = idx End If Next If Lsts > 0 Then idx = Int(Rnd * (Lsts + 1)) retidx = Lst(idx) End If GetMaxIndex =retidx End Function Private Function CornerPriority(ay, ax) Dim pos If cp.CornerTL(ay, ax) Then pos = 0 ElseIf cp.CornerBL(ay, ax) Then pos = 1 ElseIf cp.CornerTR(ay, ax) Then pos = 2 ElseIf cp.CornerBR(ay, ax) Then pos = 3 Else CornerPriority = True Exit Function End If CornerPriority = cp.AroundCorner(ay, ax, pos) End Function Private Function OtherPriority(ay, ax, NowCnt) Dim ret If (ay = 0) Or (ay = 7) Then ret = OtherEvaluation(0, ay, ax, NowCnt) ElseIf (ax = 0) Or (ax = 7) Then ret = OtherEvaluation(1, ay, ax, NowCnt) ElseIf ComSide(0, 0) Or ComSide(7, 7) Then If cp.DiagonalTLBR(ay, ax) Then ret = OtherEvaluation(2, ay, ax, NowCnt) Else ret = NowCnt End If ElseIf ComSide(7, 0) Or ComSide(0, 7) Then If cp.DiagonalBLTR(ay, ax) Then ret = OtherEvaluation(3, ay, ax, NowCnt) Else ret = NowCnt End If Else ret = NowCnt End If OtherPriority = ret End Function Private Function ComSide(ay, ax) If Q(ay, ax).InnerText = ComMove Then ComSide = True Else ComSide = False End If End Function Class SideStatus Public bfg, tfg, gfg Private py, px, swch, mSideCorner Private Sub Class_Initialize bfg = False tfg = False gfg = False End Sub Public Sub PositionSet(sw, ay, ax) swch = sw py = ay px = ax End Sub Public Sub Checking(sdt, edt, vect) Dim idx, it If swch = 2 Then py = sdt If swch = 3 Then py = 7 - sdt For idx = sdt to edt step vect If swch = 1 Then it = Q(idx, px).InnerText Else it = Q(py, idx).InnerText End If If it = BLANK Then bfg = True Exit For End If If it = ManMove Then tfg = True Else If idx = edt Then gfg = True If tfg Then tfg = False End If If swch = 2 Then py = py + vect If swch = 3 Then py = py - vect Next End Sub Public Property Get AddBonus() If gfg Then AddBonus = BONUS Else AddBonus = 0 End If End Property End Class Private Function OtherEvaluation(sw, ay, ax, Ncnt) Dim o1, o2 Set o1 = New SideStatus Set o2 = New SideStatus Call o1.PositionSet(sw, ay, ax) Call o2.PositionSet(sw, ay, ax) If sw = 1 Then Call o1.Checking(ay+1, 7, +1) Call o2.Checking(ay-1, 0, -1) Else Call o1.Checking(ax+1, 7, +1) Call o2.Checking(ax-1, 0, -1) End If If OtherJudgement(o1, o2) Then OtherEvaluation = GOOD + Ncnt + o1.AddBonus + o2.AddBonus Else OtherEvaluation = BAD End If Set o1 = Nothing Set o2 = Nothing End Function Private Function OtherJudgement(o1, o2) Dim rfg If o1.bfg And o2.bfg Then If Not o1.tfg And Not o2.tfg Then rfg = True Else rfg = False End If ElseIf o1.bfg Or o2.bfg Then If (Not o2.bfg And o2.tfg) Or (Not o1.bfg And o1.tfg) Then rfg = False Else rfg = True End If Else rfg = True End If OtherJudgement = rfg End Function Class CornerProcessingList Private cny, cnx Private scy, scx Private cny0, cnx0 Private cny1, cnx1, cny2, cnx2, cny3, cnx3 Private last Private dgy0, dgx0, dgy1, dgx1 Private Sub Class_Initialize Dim idx cny = array(0, 7, 0, 7) cnx = array(0, 0, 7, 7) scy = array(1, 6, 1, 6) scx = array(1, 1, 6, 6) cny0 = array(0, 0, 1, 2) cnx0 = array(1, 2, 0, 0) last = UBound(cny0) ReDim cny1(last), cny2(last), cny3(last) ReDim cnx1(last), cnx2(last), cnx3(last) For idx = 0 to last cny1(idx) = 7 - cny0(idx) cnx1(idx) = cnx0(idx) cny2(idx) = cny0(idx) cnx2(idx) = 7 - cnx0(idx) cny3(idx) = 7 - cny0(idx) cnx3(idx) = 7 - cnx0(idx) Next dgy0 = array(1, 2, 5, 6) dgx0 = array(1, 2, 5, 6) dgy1 = array(1, 2, 5, 6) dgx1 = array(6, 5, 2, 1) End Sub Public Function RealCorner(dy, dx) RealCorner = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny, cnx) End Function Public Function CornerTL(dy, dx) CornerTL = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny0, cnx0) End Function Public Function CornerBL(dy, dx) CornerBL = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny1, cnx1) End Function Public Function CornerTR(dy, dx) CornerTR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny2, cnx2) End Function Public Function CornerBR(dy, dx) CornerBR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny3, cnx3) End Function Public Function DiagonalTLBR(dy, dx) DiagonalTLBR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, dgy0, dgx0) End Function Public Function DiagonalBLTR(dy, dx) DiagonalBLTR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, dgy1, dgx1) End Function Private Function CornerCheck(ay, ax, cnyy, cnxx) Dim rfg, idx, iy, ix rfg = False iy = CInt(ay) ix = CInt(ax) For idx = 0 to last If (cnyy(idx) = iy) And (cnxx(idx) = ix) Then rfg = True Exit For End If Next CornerCheck = rfg End Function Public Function AroundCorner(ay, ax, Index) Dim rfg, what, posy, posx, alty, altx rfg = True posy = cny(Index) posx = cnx(Index) what = Q(posy, posx).InnerText If what = BLANK Then posy = scy(Index) posx = scx(Index) what = Q(posy, posx).InnerText If what = ManMove Then alty = posy + posy - ay altx = posx + posx - ax what = Q(alty, altx).InnerText If what = ComMove Then rfg = False End If End If End If AroundCorner = rfg End Function End Class ' ' Common Subroutines ' ' Function CountEnemy(tgid, mside, yside) Dim cnt, yy, xx, idx, nyy, nxx, vc(7) yy = Mid(tgid, 2, 1) xx = Mid(tgid, 3, 1) For idx = 0 to 7 vc(idx) = 0 If Not OutOfRange(yy, xx, idx) Then nyy = yy + vy(idx) nxx = xx + vx(idx) If Q(nyy, nxx).InnerText = yside Then vc(idx) = FriendsExist(mside, nyy, nxx, idx) End If End If Next cnt = 0 For idx = 0 to 7 cnt = cnt + vc(idx) Next CountEnemy = cnt End Function Function FriendsExist(mm, dy, dx, d) Dim y, x, ret, fr, it y = dy x = dx ret = 0 fr = False Do it = Q(y, x).InnerText If it = mm Then fr = True ElseIf it = BLANK then Exit Do Else ret = ret + 1 If OutOfRange(y, x, d) Then Exit Do Else y = y + vy(d) x = x + vx(d) End If End If Loop Until it = mm If Not fr Then ret = 0 End If FriendsExist = ret End Function Function OutOfRange(y, x, d) If (y = 0 And vy(d) = -1) Or (y = 7 And vy(d) = 1) Or _ (x = 0 And vx(d) = -1) Or (x = 7 And vx(d) = 1) Then OutOfRange = True Else OutOfRange = False End If End Function Sub ReverseEnemy(mside, yy, xx, yside) Dim idx, nyy, nxx Call bm.RecordReset(mside) For idx = 0 to 7 If Not OutOfRange(yy, xx, idx) Then nyy = yy + vy(idx) nxx = xx + vx(idx) If Q(nyy, nxx).InnerText = yside Then Call ChangeToFriends(mside, nyy, nxx, idx) End If End If Next End Sub Sub ChangeToFriends(mm, dy, dx, d) Dim y, x, it, mside y = dy x = dx mside = False Do it = Q(y, x).InnerText If it = mm Then mside = True ElseIf it = BLANK then Exit Do Else If OutOfRange(y, x, d) Then Exit Do Else y = y + vy(d) x = x + vx(d) End If End If Loop Until it = mm If mside Then Call ChangeToMySide(mm, dy, dx, d) End If End Sub Sub ChangeToMySide(mm, dy, dx, d) Dim y, x, it y = dy x = dx Do it = Q(y, x).InnerText If it <> mm Then Q(y, x).InnerText = mm Call bm.Record(y, x) y = y + vy(d) x = x + vx(d) End If Loop Until it = mm Call bm.Record(y, x) End Sub </SCRIPT> <BODY> <DIV class=scaleW >a b c d e f g h</DIV> <DIV class=banmen > <SPAN id=P00 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P01 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P02 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P03 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P04 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P05 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P06 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P07 ></SPAN><BR> <SPAN id=P10 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P11 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P12 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P13 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P14 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P15 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P16 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P17 ></SPAN><BR> <SPAN id=P20 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P21 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P22 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P23 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P24 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P25 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P26 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P27 ></SPAN><BR> <SPAN id=P30 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P31 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P32 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P33 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P34 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P35 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P36 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P37 ></SPAN><BR> <SPAN id=P40 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P41 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P42 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P43 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P44 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P45 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P46 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P47 ></SPAN><BR> <SPAN id=P50 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P51 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P52 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P53 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P54 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P55 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P56 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P57 ></SPAN><BR> <SPAN id=P60 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P61 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P62 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P63 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P64 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P65 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P66 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P67 ></SPAN><BR> <SPAN id=P70 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P71 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P72 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P73 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P74 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P75 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P76 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P77 ></SPAN> </DIV> <DIV Class=message > <SPAN id=TurnB></SPAN><SPAN id=BStones></SPAN> <SPAN id=TurnW></SPAN><SPAN id=WStones></SPAN><BR><BR> <SPAN id=Mouth></SPAN> <SPAN id=fakebtn OnClick="InitBan()" >最初から</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV class=scaleH >1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>5<BR>6<BR>7<BR>8</DIV> </BODY>