
 人工知能(AI、Artifical Intelligence)は、現在世界的に流行しているIT技術の一つです。しかし、それは、一般の人々には手の届かない高付加価値な技術の一つとして、その成果に私たちの日常生活は支配されっ放しで、歯がゆい思いをしている人も多いと思います。確かに、今や人工知能は、私たち一人一人の将来をも左右しかねない脅威となりつつあると言えましょう。私のような個人ではどんなに努力をしても手にすることのできない、金銭と労力がこのテクノロジーの実現のために世界的に費やされている。それが、この世の現実であることを誰も否定できないと思います。
 かつて、2000年代に、VBスクリプトやHTLMなどの簡易言語をかじりたてだった私は、『思考ゲームプログラミング − オセロのアルゴリズムと作成法』(アスキーブック)という書籍を購入して、コンピュータオセロの仕組みを学ぼうとしていました。4隅4辺を優先して取るように評価関数の値を上げるとか、先読みのためにゲーム木検索をしてアルファベータ法やミニマックス法で検索木の枝刈りをするとか書いてありました。関数の再帰的呼び出しによって、効率的なプログラミングをするとか、中盤には必勝読み、終盤には完全読みをするとか、その本には書かれていました。
    Q(yy, xx).InnerText = ComMove

注 "Othello"や『オセロ』は、株式会社メガハウス(旧ツクダオリジナル)の登録商標なので、以下の記事では、『オセロ』等の別名としてリバーシ(Reversi)という言葉を使います。


Reversi V1.55.hta

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">

    BODY         { font-size:16pt; background-color:rgb(30%,70%,30%); scroll:no; }
    .scaleW      { font-size:16pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:center; }
    .scaleH      { font-size:16pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:left; 
                   line-height:18pt; position:relative; top:-220pt; }
    .banmen      { font-size:16pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:center;
                   border:1pt solid black; padding:5pt; margin:10pt 20pt;
                   cursor:default; }
    .message     { font-size:12pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; text-align:center;
                   padding:5pt; margin:10pt 5pt; }

    #fakebtn    { font-size:12pt; font-family:"MS ゴシック"; background-color:white;
                   border-style:outset; padding:5pt; margin:10pt 5pt;
                   cursor:default; display:none; }


<HTA:Application Id=oHTA Border=dialog Scroll=no MaximizeButton=no Contextmenu=no />

<SCRIPT language="VBScript">
Option Explicit


Const BLACK = "●"
Const WHITE = "○"
Const BLANK = "+"
Const BAD   = 0
Const BONUS = 8
Const GOOD  = 16
Const BEST  = 32

Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim Q(7,7), R(63), vx(7), vy(7)
Dim PointJustNow, ThinkingTime, RecoveringTime, gptr, wb, cp
Dim ManMove, ComMove, Selflag
Dim SaveMes

Call ResizeTo(280, 390)

Document.Title = "Reversi V1.55" 'This is a minor revision of Reversi Game v1.54

Set wb = New WatchingBoardSpace
Set cp = New CornerProcessingList

Sub Window_Onload
    Dim yy, xx, idx

    ManMove = BLACK
    ComMove = WHITE
    LargeMode = False

    idx = 0

    For yy = 0 to 7

        For xx = 0 to 7

            Set R(idx) = Document.all.tags("SPAN")(idx)
            Set Q(yy, xx) = R(idx)

            idx = idx + 1

    vy(0) = -1 : vy(1) = -1 : vy(2) = -1 : vy(3) = 0 : vy(4) = 0
    vy(5) = 1  : vy(6) = 1  : vy(7) =  1

    vx(0) = -1 : vx(1) = 0 : vx(2) = 1 : vx(3) = -1 : vx(4) = 1
    vx(5) = -1 : vx(6) = 0 : vx(7) = 1

    Call InitBan()

End Sub

Sub InitBan()
    Dim idx

    For idx = 0 to 63

        R(idx).InnerText = BLANK


    P33.InnerText = WHITE
    P34.InnerText = BLACK
    P43.InnerText = BLACK
    P44.InnerText = WHITE

    PointJustNow = ""
    ThinkingTime = False
    RecoveringTime = False

    Call wb.Clear()

    fakebtn.style.display = "none"
    mouth.InnerText = "さあ、始めましょう!"
    Call SelectStones()

End Sub

Private Sub SelectStones()

   Selflag = True

   TurnB.InnerHTML = "黒番?" : BStones.InnerHTML = " それとも、"
   TurnW.InnerHTML = "白番?" : WStones.InnerHTML = ""
   TurnB.style.cursor = "help"
   TurnW.style.cursor = "help"

End Sub

Class WatchingBoardSpace
    Private List(59), Lptr

    Public Sub Clear()

        Lptr = 0

    End Sub

    Public Property Let Watch(tid)

        If Not Found(tid) Then

           List(Lptr) = tid
           Lptr = Lptr + 1

        End If

    End Property

    Private Function Found(id)
        Dim idx, rfg

        rfg = False

        For idx = 0 to Lptr - 1

            If List(idx) = id Then

               rfg = True
               Exit For

            End If


        Found = rfg

    End Function

    Public Function AnyMore()
        Dim Empties

        Empties = GetBlanks()

        If (Lptr = 0) Or (Lptr < Empties) Then

           AnyMore = True


           AnyMore = False

        End If

    End Function

    Private Function GetBlanks()
        Dim idx, cnt

        cnt = 0

        For idx = 0 to 63

            If R(idx).InnerText = BLANK Then

               cnt = cnt + 1

            End If

        GetBlanks = cnt

    End Function

End Class

' Event Driven Routines
' On mouse over, On mouse out  ---  for user interface
' On click -- for user interface and the trigger on computer thinking
' On key press -- for board size changed by L key
Sub Document_Onmouseover
    Dim target

    Set target = Window.event.srcElement

    If Selflag Then

       If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then

          If Left(target.id, 4) = "Turn" Then

             With target.style
                  .color = "white"
                  .backgroundcolor = "rgb(10%,10%,10%)"
             End With

          End If
       End If

       Exit Sub

    End If

    If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then

       If Left(target.id, 1) = "P" Then

          If target.InnerText = BLANK Then

             wb.Watch = target.id

             If CountEnemy(target.id, ManMove, ComMove) > 0 Then

                With target.style
                     .backgroundcolor = "rgb(50%,80%,50%)"
                     .cursor = "help"
                End With

                PointJustNow = target.id

                Call wb.Clear()


                If Not wb.AnyMore() Then

                   mouth.InnerText = "打てませんね ...思考中"
                   ThinkingTime = True

                   Call setTimeout("NowThinking()", 2000)

                End If

             End If

          End If
       End If
    End If

End Sub

Sub Document_Onmouseout
    Dim target

    Set target = Window.event.srcElement

    If Selflag Then

       If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then

          If Left(target.id, 4) = "Turn" Then

             With target.style
                  .color = "black"
                  .backgroundcolor = "rgb(30%,70%,30%)"
             End With

          End If
       End If

       Exit Sub

    End If

    If target.tagname = "SPAN" Then

       If Left(target.id, 1) = "P" Then

          If target.innerText = BLANK Then

             With target.style
                  .backgroundcolor = ""
                  .cursor = "default"
             End With

             PointJustNow = ""

          End If
       End If
    End If

End Sub

Sub Document_Onclick
    Dim target, yy, xx

    If ThinkingTime Then Exit Sub

    Set target = Window.event.srcElement

    If target.id = "" Then Exit Sub

    If Selflag Then

       If Left(target.id, 4) = "Turn" Then

          With target.style
               .color = "black"
               .backgroundcolor = "rgb(30%,70%,30%)"
          End With

          TurnB.style.cursor = "default"
          TurnW.style.cursor = "default"

          Call FixTurn(target.InnerText)

          Selflag = False

          If ComMove = BLACK Then

             mouth.InnerText = "思考中 ..."
             ThinkingTime = True

             Call setTimeout("NowThinking()", 2000)

          End If

       End If

       Exit Sub

    End If

    If Left(target.id, 1) <> "P" Then Exit Sub

    If PointJustNow <> "" Then

       yy = Mid(target.id, 2, 1)
       xx = Mid(target.id, 3, 1)

       Q(yy, xx).InnerText = ManMove

       With target.style
            .backgroundcolor = ""
            .cursor = "default"
       End With

       PointJustNow = ""

       Call ReverseEnemy(ManMove, yy, xx, ComMove)

       If Not EndChecking() Then

          mouth.InnerText = "思考中 ..."
          ThinkingTime = True

          Call setTimeout("NowThinking()", 2000)

       End If

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub FixTurn(sterm)
    Dim st, dstr

    If sterm = "黒番?" Then

       st = BLACK

    ElseIf sterm = "白番?" Then

       st = WHITE


        msgbox"Illegally  selected [" & sterm & "]"

    End If

    If ManMove <> st Then

       ComMove = ManMove : ManMove = st

    End If

    TurnB.InnerText = "黒"
    TurnW.InnerText = "白"
    dstr = "(あなた)"

    If ManMove = BLACK Then

       TurnB.InnerText = TurnB.InnerText & dstr


       TurnW.InnerText = TurnW.InnerText & dstr

    End If

    BStones.innerText = " 2 個 "
    WStones.innerText = " 2 個"

End Sub

Private Sub NowThinking()

    If TurnToComputer() Then

       Call wb.Clear()

       If Not EndChecking() Then

          mouth.InnerText = DisplayYourTurn()

       End If


       If Not EndChecking() Then

          mouth.InnerText = "打つ手がありません。"

       End If

    End If

    ThinkingTime = False

End Sub

Function DisplayYourTurn()

    DisplayYourTurn  = "あなたの手番です。"             

End Function

Dim LargeMode

Sub Document_OnKeyPress()
    Dim tk, kc

    If ThinkingTime Then Exit Sub
    If RecoveringTime Then Exit Sub

    If fakebtn.style.display = "inline" Then Exit Sub

    tk = Window.event.keyCode
    kc = Chr(tk)

    RecoveringTime = True

    If kc = "l" Or kc = "L" Then

       LargeMode = Not LargeMode
       Call ChangeScale(LargeMode)


       RecoveringTime = False
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub ChangeScale(Lmode)
    Dim mes

    If Lmode Then
       mes = "盤を拡大サイズにします。"
       mes = "盤を通常サイズにします。"
    End If

    SaveMes = mouth.InnerText
    mouth.InnerText = mes

    Call setTimeout("RecoverMessage2()", 2000)

End Sub

Private Sub RecoverMessage2()

    If LargeMode Then

       Call ChangeScale2(420, 600, 22, 28, 24, 4, 31, -358, 24)


       Call ChangeScale2(280, 390, 12, 16, 16, 1, 18, -220, 12)

    End If

    RecoveringTime = False

End Sub

Private Sub ChangeScale2(sx, sy, fontSiz1, fontSiz2, fontSiz3, bSiz, Lh, topos, btnSiz)
    Dim obj, idx, cnm, styp

    Call ResizeTo(sx, sy)

    For idx = 0 to document.all.length - 1

        Set obj = document.all(idx)

        If obj.tagName = "DIV" Then

           cnm = obj.className
           Set styp = obj.style

           If cnm = "message" Then

              styp.fontSize = fontSiz1 & "pt"

           ElseIf cnm = "banmen" Then

              styp.fontSize = fontSiz2 & "pt"
              styp.border = bSiz & "pt solid black"

              styp.fontSize = fontSiz3 & "pt"

              If cnm = "scaleH" Then

                 styp.lineHeight = Lh & "pt"
                 styp.position = "relative"
                 styp.top = topos & "pt"
              End If
           End If

        ElseIf obj.id = "fakebtn" Then

           obj.style.fontSize = btnSiz & "pt"

        End If

    mouth.InnerText = SaveMes

End Sub

'  Heuristic AI Thinking subroutines
Function TurnToComputer()
    Dim tId(), tCnt1(), tCnt2(), tLast, maxidx, yy, xx

    tLast = ListingHands(ComMove, ManMove, tId, tCnt1)

    If tLast = -1 Then

       TurnToComputer = False

       Exit Function

    End If

    Call CopyTable(tCnt1, tCnt2, tLast)

    maxidx = EvaluateMax(tId, tCnt2, tLast)

    yy = Mid(tId(maxidx), 2, 1)
    xx = Mid(tId(maxidx), 3, 1)

    Set gptr = Q(yy, xx)
    gptr.style.backgroundcolor = "rgb(80%,50%,50%)"
    gptr.InnerText = ComMove

    Call setTimeout("ClearMarking()", 600)

    Call ReverseEnemy(ComMove, yy, xx, ManMove)

    TurnToComputer = True

End Function

Private Function ListingHands(fside, eside, tI, tC)
    Dim idx, cnt, tL

    tL = -1

    For idx = 0 to 63

        If R(idx).InnerText = BLANK Then

           cnt = CountEnemy(R(idx).id, fside, eside)

           If cnt > 0 Then

              tL = tL + 1
              ReDim Preserve tI(tL), tC(tL)

              tI(tL) = R(idx).id
              tC(tL) = cnt

            End If
        End If

    ListingHands = tL

End Function

Private Sub CopyTable(tC1, tC2, tL)
    Dim idx

    ReDim tC2(tL)

    For idx = 0 to tL

        tC2(idx) = tC1(idx)

End Sub

Private Sub ClearMarking()

    gptr.style.backgroundcolor = ""

    If Right(mouth.InnerText, 9) = "あなたの手番です。" Then

    End If

End Sub

Function EvaluateMax(tI, tC, tL)
    Dim idx, py, px, any

    For idx = 0 to tL

        py = Mid(tI(idx), 2, 1)
        px = Mid(tI(idx), 3, 1)

        If cp.RealCorner(py, px) Then

           tC(idx) = tC(idx) + BEST


           If CornerPriority(py, px) Then

              any = OtherPriority(py, px, tC(idx))

              If tC(idx) <> any Then

                 tC(idx) = any

              End If


              tC(idx) = BAD

           End If
       End If


    EvaluateMax = GetMaxIndex(tC, tL)

End Function

Private Function GetMaxIndex(tC, tL)
    Dim idx, retidx, maxcnt, Lst(), Lsts

    maxcnt = BAD - 1

    For idx = 0 to tL

        If tC(idx) > maxcnt Then

           maxcnt = tC(idx)
           retidx = idx

        End If

    Lsts = -1

    For idx = 0 to tL

        If maxcnt = tC(idx) Then

           Lsts = Lsts + 1
           ReDim Preserve Lst(Lsts)
           Lst(Lsts) = idx

        End If

    If Lsts > 0 Then

       idx = Int(Rnd * (Lsts + 1))
       retidx = Lst(idx)

    End If

    GetMaxIndex =retidx

End Function

Private Function CornerPriority(ay, ax)
    Dim pos

    If cp.CornerTL(ay, ax) Then

       pos = 0

    ElseIf cp.CornerBL(ay, ax) Then

       pos = 1

    ElseIf cp.CornerTR(ay, ax) Then

       pos = 2

    ElseIf cp.CornerBR(ay, ax) Then

       pos = 3


       CornerPriority = True
       Exit Function

    End If

    CornerPriority = cp.AroundCorner(ay, ax, pos)

End Function

Private Function OtherPriority(ay, ax, NowCnt)
    Dim ret

    If (ay = 0) Or (ay = 7) Then

       ret = OtherEvaluation(0, ay, ax, NowCnt)

    ElseIf (ax = 0) Or (ax = 7) Then

       ret = OtherEvaluation(1, ay, ax, NowCnt)

    ElseIf ComSide(0, 0) Or ComSide(7, 7) Then

       If cp.DiagonalTLBR(ay, ax) Then

          ret = OtherEvaluation(2, ay, ax, NowCnt)


          ret = NowCnt

       End If

    ElseIf ComSide(7, 0) Or ComSide(0, 7) Then

       If cp.DiagonalBLTR(ay, ax) Then

          ret = OtherEvaluation(3, ay, ax, NowCnt)


          ret = NowCnt

       End If


       ret = NowCnt

    End If

    OtherPriority = ret

End Function

Private Function ComSide(ay, ax)

    If Q(ay, ax).InnerText = ComMove Then
       ComSide = True
       ComSide = False
    End If

End Function

Class SideStatus
    Public bfg, tfg, gfg
    Private py, px, swch, mSideCorner

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
       bfg = False
       tfg = False
       gfg = False
    End Sub

    Public Sub PositionSet(sw, ay, ax)
       swch = sw
       py = ay
       px = ax
    End Sub

    Public Sub Checking(sdt, edt, vect)
       Dim idx, it

       If swch = 2 Then py = sdt
       If swch = 3 Then py = 7 - sdt

       For idx = sdt to edt step vect

           If swch = 1 Then

              it = Q(idx, px).InnerText

              it = Q(py, idx).InnerText
           End If

           If it = BLANK Then

              bfg = True
              Exit For

           End If

           If it = ManMove Then

              tfg = True


              If idx = edt Then gfg = True

              If tfg Then tfg = False

           End If

           If swch = 2 Then py = py + vect
           If swch = 3 Then py = py - vect


    End Sub

    Public Property Get AddBonus()

       If gfg Then
          AddBonus = BONUS
          AddBonus = 0
       End If

    End Property

End Class

Private Function OtherEvaluation(sw, ay, ax, Ncnt)
    Dim o1, o2

    Set o1 = New SideStatus
    Set o2 = New SideStatus

    Call o1.PositionSet(sw, ay, ax)
    Call o2.PositionSet(sw, ay, ax)

    If sw = 1 Then

       Call o1.Checking(ay+1, 7, +1)
       Call o2.Checking(ay-1, 0, -1)


       Call o1.Checking(ax+1, 7, +1)
       Call o2.Checking(ax-1, 0, -1)

    End If

    If OtherJudgement(o1, o2) Then

       OtherEvaluation = GOOD + Ncnt + o1.AddBonus + o2.AddBonus

       OtherEvaluation = BAD
    End If

    Set o1 = Nothing
    Set o2 = Nothing

End Function

Private Function OtherJudgement(o1, o2)
    Dim rfg

    If o1.bfg And o2.bfg Then

       If Not o1.tfg And Not o2.tfg Then

          rfg = True

          rfg = False
       End If

    ElseIf o1.bfg Or o2.bfg Then

       If (Not o2.bfg And o2.tfg) Or (Not o1.bfg And o1.tfg) Then

          rfg = False

          rfg = True
       End If


       rfg = True

    End If

    OtherJudgement = rfg

End Function

Class CornerProcessingList
    Private cny, cnx
    Private scy, scx
    Private cny0, cnx0
    Private cny1, cnx1, cny2, cnx2, cny3, cnx3
    Private last
    Private dgy0, dgx0, dgy1, dgx1

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Dim idx

        cny = array(0, 7, 0, 7)
        cnx = array(0, 0, 7, 7)
        scy = array(1, 6, 1, 6)
        scx = array(1, 1, 6, 6)

        cny0 = array(0, 0, 1, 2)
        cnx0 = array(1, 2, 0, 0)

        last = UBound(cny0)
        ReDim cny1(last), cny2(last), cny3(last)
        ReDim cnx1(last), cnx2(last), cnx3(last)

        For idx = 0 to last

            cny1(idx) = 7 - cny0(idx)
            cnx1(idx) = cnx0(idx)
            cny2(idx) = cny0(idx)
            cnx2(idx) = 7 - cnx0(idx)
            cny3(idx) = 7 - cny0(idx)
            cnx3(idx) = 7 - cnx0(idx)

        dgy0 = array(1, 2, 5, 6)
        dgx0 = array(1, 2, 5, 6)
        dgy1 = array(1, 2, 5, 6)
        dgx1 = array(6, 5, 2, 1)

    End Sub

    Public Function RealCorner(dy, dx)

        RealCorner = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny, cnx)

    End Function

    Public Function CornerTL(dy, dx)

        CornerTL = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny0, cnx0)

    End Function

    Public Function CornerBL(dy, dx)

        CornerBL = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny1, cnx1)

    End Function

    Public Function CornerTR(dy, dx)

        CornerTR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny2, cnx2)

    End Function

    Public Function CornerBR(dy, dx)

        CornerBR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, cny3, cnx3)

    End Function

    Public Function DiagonalTLBR(dy, dx)

        DiagonalTLBR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, dgy0, dgx0)

    End Function

    Public Function DiagonalBLTR(dy, dx)

        DiagonalBLTR = CornerCheck(dy, dx, dgy1, dgx1)

    End Function

    Private Function CornerCheck(ay, ax, cnyy, cnxx)
        Dim rfg, idx, iy, ix

        rfg = False

        iy = CInt(ay)
        ix = CInt(ax)
        For idx = 0 to last

            If (cnyy(idx) = iy) And (cnxx(idx) = ix) Then 

               rfg = True
               Exit For
            End If

        CornerCheck = rfg

    End Function

    Public Function AroundCorner(ay, ax, Index)
        Dim rfg, what, posy, posx, alty, altx

        rfg = True
        posy = cny(Index)
        posx = cnx(Index)
        what = Q(posy, posx).InnerText

        If what = BLANK Then

           posy = scy(Index)
           posx = scx(Index)
           what = Q(posy, posx).InnerText

           If what = ManMove Then

              alty = posy + posy - ay
              altx = posx + posx - ax
              what = Q(alty, altx).InnerText

              If what = ComMove Then

                 rfg = False

              End If
           End If
        End If

        AroundCorner = rfg

    End Function

End Class

' Common Subroutines
Function EndChecking()
    Dim rflg, bcnt, wcnt, mes

    bcnt = CalcStones(BLACK)
    wcnt = CalcStones(WHITE)
    BStones.innerText = " " & bcnt & " 個 "
    WStones.innerText = " " & wcnt & " 個"

    If bcnt + wcnt = 64 Or (Not wb.AnyMore()) Then

       If (bcnt = wcnt) Then

          mes = "珍しく引き分けです。"

       ElseIf bcnt > wcnt Then

          mes = "黒の勝ちです。"

          mes = "白の勝ちです。"

       End If

       rflg = True


       If bcnt = 0 Then

          mes = "白の勝ちです。"
          rflg = True
       ElseIf wcnt = 0 Then

          mes = "黒の勝ちです。"
          rflg = True


          rflg = False

       End If

    End If

    If rflg Then

       fakebtn.style.display = "inline"
       mouth.InnerText = mes

    End If

    EndChecking = rflg

End Function

Function CalcStones(side)
    Dim idx, cnt

    cnt = 0

    For idx = 0 to 63

        If R(idx).InnerText = side Then

           cnt = cnt + 1

        End If

    CalcStones = cnt

End Function

Function CountEnemy(tgid, mside, yside)
    Dim cnt, yy, xx, idx, nyy, nxx, vc(7)

    yy = Mid(tgid, 2, 1)
    xx = Mid(tgid, 3, 1)

    For idx = 0 to 7

        vc(idx) = 0

        If Not OutOfRange(yy, xx, idx) Then

           nyy = yy + vy(idx)
           nxx = xx + vx(idx)

           If Q(nyy, nxx).InnerText = yside Then

              vc(idx) = FriendsExist(mside, nyy, nxx, idx)

           End If

        End If        


    cnt = 0

    For idx = 0 to 7

        cnt = cnt + vc(idx)


    CountEnemy = cnt

End Function

Function FriendsExist(mm, dy, dx, d)
    Dim y, x, ret, fr, it

    y = dy
    x = dx
    ret = 0
    fr = False


      it = Q(y, x).InnerText

      If it = mm Then

         fr = True

      ElseIf it = BLANK then

         Exit Do


         ret = ret + 1

         If OutOfRange(y, x, d) Then

            Exit Do


            y = y + vy(d)
            x = x + vx(d)

         End If

      End If

    Loop Until it = mm

    If Not fr Then

       ret = 0

    End If

    FriendsExist = ret

End Function

Function OutOfRange(y, x, d)

    If (y = 0 And vy(d) = -1) Or (y = 7 And vy(d) = 1) Or _
       (x = 0 And vx(d) = -1) Or (x = 7 And vx(d) = 1) Then

       OutOfRange = True


       OutOfRange = False

    End If

End Function

Sub ReverseEnemy(mside, yy, xx, yside)
    Dim idx, nyy, nxx

    For idx = 0 to 7

        If Not OutOfRange(yy, xx, idx) Then

           nyy = yy + vy(idx)
           nxx = xx + vx(idx)

           If Q(nyy, nxx).InnerText = yside Then

              Call ChangeToFriends(mside, nyy, nxx, idx)

           End If

        End If        


End Sub

Sub ChangeToFriends(mm, dy, dx, d)
    Dim y, x, it, mside

    y = dy
    x = dx
    mside = False


      it = Q(y, x).InnerText

      If it = mm Then

         mside = True

      ElseIf it = BLANK then

         Exit Do


         If OutOfRange(y, x, d) Then

            Exit Do


            y = y + vy(d)
            x = x + vx(d)

         End If

      End If

    Loop Until it = mm

    If mside Then

       Call ChangeToMySide(mm, dy, dx, d)

    End If

End Sub

Sub ChangeToMySide(mm, dy, dx, d)
    Dim y, x, it

    y = dy
    x = dx


      it = Q(y, x).InnerText

      If it <> mm Then

         Q(y, x).InnerText = mm

         y = y + vy(d)
         x = x + vx(d)

      End If

    Loop Until it = mm

End Sub



<DIV class=scaleW >a b c d e f g h</DIV>

<DIV class=banmen >

<SPAN id=P00 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P01 ></SPAN>
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<SPAN id=P16 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P17 ></SPAN><BR>

<SPAN id=P20 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P21 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P22 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P23 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P24 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P25 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P26 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P27 ></SPAN><BR>

<SPAN id=P30 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P31 ></SPAN>
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<SPAN id=P36 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P37 ></SPAN><BR>

<SPAN id=P40 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P41 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P42 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P43 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P44 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P45 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P46 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P47 ></SPAN><BR>

<SPAN id=P50 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P51 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P52 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P53 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P54 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P55 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P56 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P57 ></SPAN><BR>

<SPAN id=P60 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P61 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P62 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P63 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P64 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P65 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P66 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P67 ></SPAN><BR>

<SPAN id=P70 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P71 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P72 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P73 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P74 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P75 ></SPAN>
<SPAN id=P76 ></SPAN> <SPAN id=P77 ></SPAN>


<DIV Class=message >

<SPAN id=TurnB></SPAN><SPAN id=BStones></SPAN>
<SPAN id=TurnW></SPAN><SPAN id=WStones></SPAN><BR><BR>

<SPAN id=Mouth></SPAN>
<SPAN id=fakebtn OnClick="InitBan()" >最初から</SPAN>


<DIV class=scaleH >1<BR>2<BR>3<BR>4<BR>5<BR>6<BR>7<BR>8</DIV>